Besides being an international directory of graphic design studios, katalog presents each month a studio panel with singularities and particular personalities, through short written interviews and videos, allowing designers to present their studio in their own way. The goal is to gather different backgrounds to establish a dialogue, a proximity, to offer designers a new visibility.
Our first objective is to know more about creative studios, and above all, to value their creative workspaces.
The concept is simple. One studio, one interview, one video.
Each studio has the opportunity to present themselves through a short interview in which they will be invited to introduce themselves, but also to give their opinions on current issues related to their field.
Thereafter, they will appear in a short video presenting the members of the studio, a selection of works but also the visit of the workspace.
Two formats are displayed. The first, during our visits in creative studios. We go in the studios using our handheld camera to conduct the short film and the interview, live from the workspace. We also invite designers to participate in the filming. The second overcomes distances. We invite designers to send their own videos and the interview by e-mail.