«“SOCMUS – virtual museum of socialist era graphic design in Bulgaria” is a project of the potographer Nikola Mihovand the architects Martin Angelov and Valeri Gyurov.
„SOCMUS” is a virtual museum that presents different sections of the Bulgarian graphic design from the socialist era /1944-1989/.
The project is fully focused on the artistic value of the works and not on their historic or political context.
The collection of SOCMUS is periodically updated, the blog of the museum presents significant socialist era artists and other thematically related projects.
SOCMUS is not related to any political, private or governmental organizations or cultural institutions. The project is financed solely by its authors.
The content of this website is collected and processed by the authors of the projects and their contributors.
Any part of this website cannot be published or reproduced without the permission of the copyright owners.»©Socmus
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